I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.… You are the God who works wonders.

PSALM 77:11–12, 14


Film, print, and media for the glory of Christ and for the good of His Church.

Christ has fully accomplished the redemption that the Father planned, and now the Spirit is applying that grace in time to the lives of God’s people all around the world. God has appointed certain “means” to serve as the channels through which the Spirit applies that grace.

The work we produce is meant to give aid to the church here and abroad as it fulfills the Great Commission by the use of those means.

a word from director John Snyder

Media Gratiae is largely funded by the support of individuals, families, and churches. We wanted to take some time and reflect on this past year and show you how your support has been used, what our plans for the near future are, and other pertinent news. In this update, John discusses the faithfulness of the Lord through our supporters, some upcoming projects, and other news.

See the impact of your support in 2024.

Media Gratiae’s impact in the Netherlands

  • Last Friday I attended a one day seminar that was dedicated to Behold your God [Rethinking God Biblically & The Weight of Majesty]. The day was attended by about 200 people, I would estimate, from various denominations and congregations, and the purpose was to present the studies and share the experience of some who had led the study, and people who have attended. Wonderful testimonies from people whose life have been impacted, from hearing about teenagers who have come to faith, to those who have found their faith and profession challenged by the studies.

    It is wonderful to see the impact the study is having. One of the presenters told of a lady in a charismatic church whose testimony was that she thought she was a believer but realized during the first study that she had never really understood who God is, and what it meant to have God at the center of her life. Behold your God is impacting congregations across the country.

    It struck me during the seminar that here I was, an exiled Scot in the Netherlands, translating a study from English to Dutch and it's not my native language, and how true the words of Ephesians 2:8–10 are—That God, from all eternity, decided that He would use someone who was totally unequipped to do something like this... And then you stop and consider all the pieces of the puzzle that brought me to this place... To see God's hand in it all is truly amazing.


  • Calum MacLeod is currently translating and publishing Christ Our Treasure, Lessons from Judges, and True-Hearted Discipleship for use in The Netherlands.

    Your gift allows us to provide these resources for foreign language translation free of charge.



You helped others study Scripture.




Views: 406k+

New Subscribers: 2.5k+

Watch time: 18.3k+ hours



Impressions: 71k+

Launches: 10k+



Visits: 130k+

Countries: 100+


Instagram: 12.7K+

Facebook: 11k+

Twitter: 2.7K+

Threads: 2.3k+



Instrumental in my growth…

“The rich resources that your team provides have been instrumental in my growth, especially in 2023. My fiancé and I immensely enjoyed the truths of the Behold Your God study and look forward to going through the Weight of Majesty study soon. I continue to praise God for Media Gratiae’s ministry.”

— Zach


You helped others hear the gospel.

In 2024, we were joined by hundreds of thousands around the globe as we studied Scripture, the character of God, Christian books, the sermons of Charles Spurgeon, our hymns of faith, the books that shaped Christianity, and more!


122K+ have been taught and edified by the Word.

In 2024, The Whole Counsel podcast climbed to over 800,000 lifetime downloads. This year, we have been joined by listeners around the globe to examine topics like how to live for God near the end of life, how to be the kind of person God entrusts with His message, union with Christ, the book of Proverbs, and more. We’ve been joined by Jeremy Walker, Dr. Ian Hamilton, Dr. Stephen Yuille, Jordan Thomas, and more.


31K+ have gone through the sermons of Charles Spurgeon together.

Jeremy Walker leads the discussion of the sermons, week by week, to see the truth he preached about Jesus Christ and Him crucified come from Spurgeon's heart to ours.


40K+ have been encouraged through devotions with Pastor Jeremy Walker.

In the midst of unease and unrest due to the global pandemic in 2020, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind us of the certainty of God’s sovereignty.


We walked through two more books that shaped Christianity

This year was our second year of releasing bi-annual podcasts on some of the lesser-known but foundational books for the modern Church. This year, Dr. John Snyder was joined by Steve Crampton and Dr. Chris Green to discuss Samuel Rutherford’s Lex Rex and Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo: Why God Became Man.



Now I love my Savior even more…

“This was absolutely amazing! I’ve never heard it explained before that we are “Chosen in Him” the way you explained it. Those words, “In Him,” have just tripped off my tongue a thousand times but I guess I never really stopped to think what they meant. Thank you so much for explaining it so clearly. And now I love my Savior even more!”



Heavy and engaging…

Heavy and engaging talk and explanations and interchange! ... mind stretching. Only because of this episode, and these men introducing and recommending this book, now I want to read it... (give it a try, anyway).



Solidly biblical…

I just listened to the first of this series by Jeremy Walker. It is excellent - solidly Biblical. It was also a wonderful encouragement to me, to continue to press on, trusting Christ.




You supported our interactive online Bible study tool.


Big changes are coming to Media Gratiae Online.

For years, Media Gratiae Online has provided an online learning community to the global church. Over 3,400 learners have used this platform to grow in their knowledge of God, Scripture, and Christian history.

In 2024, we began migrating our online learning platform home to our very own website to offer a better, more user-friendly experience & interface.

This new platform will include

  • Ease of use

  • No need to wait or switch websites to access streaming and courses

  • Interactive workbooks and streaming as soon as you purchase

  • New exclusive teaching series

We plan to launch Media Gratiae Online home on our website early in 2025.

Media Gratiae’s global reach

By God’s grace, in 2024 we saw a growing global impact of our studies through foreign language translation. Our studies are currently being translated into:

  • Spanish

  • Portuguese

  • German

  • Swahili

  • Dutch

  • Russian

Behold Your God, Christ Our Treasure, Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early, The Church, Lessons from Judges, True-Hearted Discipleship, Logic on Fire, Luther, and Matthew Henry have been or are currently being translated for the benefit of Christ’s church and for the glory of God around the globe.

Our donors make it possible to provide our material free of charge to those who wish to translate it for distribution in foreign languages. Would you consider joining us as we seek to make God’s name great in every corner of the globe?



You brought Christ Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church to print

This year, after filming and preparing in 2022 & 2023, we published a new multimedia study by pastor Jordan Thomas, Christ Our Treasure.

This study, which explores the topic of beholding the beauty of Christ within the context of a local church as the believer’s highest earthly joy and a glorious foretaste of heaven, has been edifying the global Church since March.

By God’s grace, a Dutch translation of Christ Our Treasure has been completed and is now being prepared for release and distribution in the Netherlands.


You helped us produce and print The Nature & Practice of True-Hearted Discipleship

In January, we were blessed to receive a visit from Dr. & Mrs. Ian Hamilton here in New Albany. During that visit, we filmed 8 sermons for a new multimedia Bible study on the topic of true discipleship. We spent the following months editing and preparing those videos and the corresponding Bible Study Workbook for print.

On November 15, we released The Nature & Practice of True-Hearted Discipleship, and we are so excited to watch the Lord work in His church through this resource. We praise the Lord that this material has now begun to be translated into Dutch.

We were blessed to partner with G3 Ministries on the release of this project.


Your support allowed us to produce Gospel Realities: Lessons from Galatians.

In June, Teddy loaded up the cameras and traveled to Texas to film an 8-part Bible Study Series with Dr. Stephen Yuille.

This study, set to release in the first half of 2025, will guide you through the book of Galatians to help you grasp the sole sufficiency of Christ to justify you before God and give you all you need to live a life of obedience.


Your generosity enabled us to move Media Gratiae Online home to our very own website.

This year, we started an exciting transition for our Media Gratiae Online courses.

We are looking forward to offering our online courses on God, Scripture, and Christian history in an even more convenient way in 2025.

Coming in 2025


  • Gospel Realities: Lessons from Galatians by Dr. Stephen Yuille

  • A by Conrad Mbewe on justification

  • A study with Stephen Yuille on the Sermon on the Mount

  • A new & improved Media Gratiae Online on our very own website with new exclusive content



“I listened to it 3 times and will certainly listen to it until I am filled to the brim. I'm so starved for God's teaching and learning on my own has limitations.I don't have words to express how thankful I am for Media Gratiae and all your hard work to feed us who are starving.”

— Brenda

The means of grace are in my hand,
The blessing is at God’s command
Who must the work fulfill;
And though I read, and watch and pray,
Yet here the Lord directs my way
And worketh all things still.